A huge hello and welcome from me to all of Class 6C and their families. This blog is a space to get an insight into what we have been learning in school. I hope it inspires you to continue learning and exploring at home!
We have made a great start to the year so far. A huge highlight has been our trip to Meanwood Valley last week visiting the Seven Arches Aqueduct.
Here, we learnt about the local area for our writing lessons we began this week, we picked leaves to identify like scientists and used them to create leaf rubbings using crayons, and practised being geographers as we plotted our route on an OS map.
Our trip has inspired lots of nature related learning this week too. In PSHE, we considered how a tree belongs to nature and thought about our values, hopes, dreams and interests to discover where we belong in the world. In writing, we have been collating key information about Meanwood Valley to prepare us for writing our own non-fiction information text very soon!