Place Value Activities in Maths

In our latest maths lesson, we dove headfirst into the world of place value. This is the system that helps us make sense of numbers by assigning values based on their position. For example, in the number 365, the ‘3’ represents hundreds, the ‘6’ stands for tens and the ‘5’ is the ones or units digit.

For this interactive maths lesson, the children solved puzzles, completed worksheets and played team games to help them grasp the concept of place value. Some students tackled maths puzzles and problems on big flip chart paper. These brain-teasers pushed their mathematical thinking, encouraging creative problem solving.

We are looking forward to more hands-on maths lessons in future.

Miss Coope

Seven Arches Aqueduct Trip

Our recent adventure to Seven Arches Aqueduct on Meanwood Valley Trail was an educational trip filled with fun and discovery. Armed with maps, we set off on the walk to the trail using our ACE Geographer map skills to help us.

Upon reaching the aqueduct, the children immersed themselves in nature by completing their activity sheet. They showcased their artistic talents by drawing scenery around them. They also collected leaves from trees they had identified through observation and took rubbings of them, capturing their intricate structure. Importantly, they gathered information about the history and significance of the aqueduct in preparation for our upcoming writing lessons.

It was a day filled with hands-on learning, teamwork and the joy of exploring the great outdoors.

Miss Coope