We have been creating stencils over a series of lessons to print out own WW2 slogans. First, we looked at the difference between fonts and typeface, then researched the fonts we thought would work best for a WW2 style print, inspired by propaganda posters. After inventing our slogan, we began carefully drawing the individual letters in our font style. Once ready, we prepared our collage background and started to print using red or black paint. It was important to dab the paint and not brush it! Have a look through the slideshow to see the process.
Category Archives: Archive
Child-led collective worship
For the last few weeks, the children have paired up to create their own Collective Worship sessions to lead in front of the class. Collective Worship is based on certain values – this time, the value has been love. The children have enjoyed creating their slides and creating new and thought provoking ways to talk about the meaning of love. See some highlights below.
Kindertransport visitor
We were extremely fortunate this week to welcome a guest to speak with us about her mother, a Kinderstransport refugee. During World War II, her mother escaped the Nazis in Germany by travelling across Europe to the UK, where she stayed with a host family. This gave her the opportunity to have an education, stay safe and learn English fluently. The children had some fantastic, insightful questions for our guest speaker.

Light investigations in science
This week, we finished off our autumn term science unit all about light. This involved doing a series of investigations, one of which looked at how light reflects and travels in straight lines. To do this, we gathered our equipment and worked in groups to mimic how a periscope allows us to see an object over an obstacle. It took some trial and error to get the mirrors at the right angle, but all groups were successful in the end!
Another experiment we carried out was on light refraction. We learned that light travels slower when passing through dense objects, causing it to bend or change direction, almost creating an illusion. We were fascinated to see how a horizontal arrow appeared to point in the opposite direction when we looked at it through the beaker of water.
Christmas Carol service
It was great to celebrate the end of the autumn term this week at with a spectacular Christmas Carol service at Church. Year 6 have been working hard to practise songs and readings to perform in front of Year 5 pupils and parents. Well done and thank you to all involved – it really was a joyous occasion!
Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from Class 6C!
Buddy Book Night
Book night was an opportunity for Y6 to give a gift to their Reception buddies. After picture books were chosen, they were wrapped in Christmas wrapping and gifted to the reception child. The children found a cosy place to sit together, open the gift and enjoy the book together with some biscuits and hot chocolate or juice. Year 6 were mature, caring and responsible with their buddies – such excellent role models!
Hockey tournament
This week, 6C finished their hockey unit in PE and competed for victory in a class tournament! Over the past weeks, the class have been learning to: tackle, hit, shoot, pass and dribble the ball. Brought together with attacking and defending skills, the class were able to apply their learning and follow rules within gameplay.
Lino printing
We have now finished our lino printing unit and the results are beautiful!
First, we practised sketching leaves and used these to develop our lino print design. Then, we transferred our designs onto the lino – some of us used tracing paper for a more accurate copy. Once transferred, we could begin to use the lino cutting tools to carve out our design; it was important to follow the safety instructions when carving.
With our carvings complete, we created a background to print on. For this, we used mixed media paper and created a border using masking tape (to create a neat edge when painting) and used watercolour paints to create a wash background. Autumnal colours like orange, yellow and hints of green were the most effective.
The final step was to ink up our carved lino blocks using printing ink and a roller. We then carefully placed this onto our watercolour background, making sure to firmly smooth out the surface, and then peeled off the lino to reveal the final print.
Until the final print was made, we could not be sure how it would turn out… but they all look superb! We loved seeing our final pieces being revealed.
Warning Tale – Writing
This week in writing, we created freeze frames of our model text to help us understand the narrative in a creative and memorable way. Our text type was a warning tale. In groups, the children took a part of the story structure each – the opening, build up, dilemma, resolution or ending – and recreated it using themselves only, no props! Have a look at the photos below to see the outcomes.
Eden Camp
Eden Camp is a museum in North Yorkshire. It used to be a prisoner-of-war camp but is now an exciting and immersive theme museum with 29 huts where children can learn about the history and experiences of war, especially the Second World War.
We learnt about air raids by the German Air Force – the Luftwaffe. This was where Germany bombed British towns and cities and was known as the Blitz. It was interesting but shocking to see the bombed street scene as we walked through the Blitz hut.
As well as this, we learnt about why blackouts and air raid shelters were necessary during WW2. We even got to go in some air raid shelters!
This all links with our class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse, where our main characters experience an air raid in the first chapter.